Clinique des femmes de l’Outaouais

1 819 778-2055
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IUD Clinic

IUD Clinic

We insert intrauterine devices (IUDs) without referrals from family doctors. We have developed this expertise over time. Our doctors insert approximately 1000 IUDs every year at the Clinic.

Making an appointment

You can call the Clinic in order to make an appointment. You do not need to have a referral from a doctor. You will be given a first appointment with a nurse.

Phone appointment with the nurse

You should have a first appointment with a nurse before the IUD insertion. The nurse will review your medical history and will give you all the instructions to follow prior to the IUD insertion. She can fax your prescription to your pharmacy .

IUD insertion

The IUD insertion is a simple and quick procedure. Plan to stay approximately 30 minutes at the Clinic for this appointment. You do not need to be accompanied to the appointment. However, if someone comes to the appointment with you, know that he or she will have to wait for you in the waiting room and will not be able to enter the procedure room with you.

You will be greeted by a nurse who will do a short medical questionnaire and will take your blood pressure. You will then meet the doctor who will insert your IUD. Most of the time, you will be alone with the doctor for the insertion.

You might feel cramps during and after the insertion. Occasionally, some women might feel dizzy (vasovagal syncope) in the minutes following the insertion. For this reason, we ask that you stay in the waiting room for approximately 10 minutes before leaving the Clinic. We will intervene quickly in order to help you feel better if this reaction occurs.

Follow up

A follow up appointment is recommended between 6 to 8 weeks after the insertion. Usually, your family doctor can do the follow up even if he/she does not insert IUDs. If you do not have a family doctor or your doctor does not do IUDs follow up, we can ensure the follow up here at the Clinic.

If you have questions or concerns before or after your IUD insertion, do not hesitate to call us.

La Clinique des femmes de l’Outaouais is a member of RAICE (Rapid Access IUD Centres of Excellence). RAICE is a network of clinics and health care providers across Canada who are experts in IUD insertion and care.


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